Google News app now gives you bilingual options
According to an article published on the BBC, 60% of people actually search for and read the news in two languages. But it’s not that...
According to an article published on the BBC, 60% of people actually search for and read the news in two languages. But it’s not that...
Yesterday, we learned and shared with you the original Pixel phone’s October security patch was its last. It was a sad day for first-gen...
Yesterday, we learned and shared with you the original Pixel phone’s October security patch was its last. It was a sad day for first-gen...
A l’image du Patch Tuesday de Microsoft, Google vient de mettre en ligne ses correctifs Android pour la période du mois de novembre 2019....
A l’image du Patch Tuesday de Microsoft, Google vient de mettre en ligne ses correctifs Android pour la période du mois de novembre 2019....
Google a annoncé lundi l’intégration de Cloud AutoML dans Kaggle, sa plate-forme pour les spécialistes des données (data scientist)....
Google a annoncé lundi l’intégration de Cloud AutoML dans Kaggle, sa plate-forme pour les spécialistes des données (data scientist)....
Avant que Google n’achète Fitbit vendredi pour 2,1 milliards de dollars, le géant des réseaux sociaux Facebook aurait également tenté de...
Avant que Google n’achète Fitbit vendredi pour 2,1 milliards de dollars, le géant des réseaux sociaux Facebook aurait également tenté de...
If you’re a frequent user of the Google Play Store, not just for downloading free apps but making various purchases, then you’ll finally...
If you’re a frequent user of the Google Play Store, not just for downloading free apps but making various purchases, then you’ll finally...
Owners of the original Pixel and Pixel XL phones have been grateful to Google for still releasing the Android 10. The OS update was not...
Owners of the original Pixel and Pixel XL phones have been grateful to Google for still releasing the Android 10. The OS update was not...
Some users were holding out hope that Google would let USB video output stand for the Pixel 4. The Nexus 5 was actually the last of the...
Some users were holding out hope that Google would let USB video output stand for the Pixel 4. The Nexus 5 was actually the last of the...
So many things going on with the Pixel 4. Many of them are questionable but we’re not totally dismissing the Pixel 4 because it still is...
So many things going on with the Pixel 4. Many of them are questionable but we’re not totally dismissing the Pixel 4 because it still is...
AWS, Microsoft Azure et Google Cloud représentent ensemble plus de la moitié du marché mondial de l’infrastructure de cloud public. Mais...
AWS, Microsoft Azure et Google Cloud représentent ensemble plus de la moitié du marché mondial de l’infrastructure de cloud public. Mais...
One of Pixel 4’s main features is Motion Sense as made possible by Project Soli. The project was first made known to us back in 2015. It...