Google Assistant on Android Auto giving users a “double beep”
Google Assistant and Android Auto have not been best friends for a while now, especially when the former “muted itself” over Bluetooth...
Google Assistant and Android Auto have not been best friends for a while now, especially when the former “muted itself” over Bluetooth...
Combien de smartphones Pixel 3 Google a-t-il vendus au cours de la dernière année ? Vous ne trouverez pas le total des ventes ventilé...
Combien de smartphones Pixel 3 Google a-t-il vendus au cours de la dernière année ? Vous ne trouverez pas le total des ventes ventilé...
Google continues to make its Maps app more than just a navigation app but also a discovery and recommendation platform. They’ve been...
Google continues to make its Maps app more than just a navigation app but also a discovery and recommendation platform. They’ve been...
One of the things that Google brought to the Pixel 4 devices is a sort of redesign of the Google Assistant. Not only has the virtual...
One of the things that Google brought to the Pixel 4 devices is a sort of redesign of the Google Assistant. Not only has the virtual...
Now in its fourth major generation (the Pixel 3a counts only as a half), Google has established the Pixel smartphone to represent what...
Now in its fourth major generation (the Pixel 3a counts only as a half), Google has established the Pixel smartphone to represent what...
If you’re waiting for an important phone call and you need your phone’s ringer to be persistent and insistent, there’s now an option to...
If you’re waiting for an important phone call and you need your phone’s ringer to be persistent and insistent, there’s now an option to...
When you spend a lot of time on YouTube (as most of us do), you probably appreciate the little tweaks that Google does to make it easier...
When you spend a lot of time on YouTube (as most of us do), you probably appreciate the little tweaks that Google does to make it easier...
Sommaire : Chasse aux Nazis sur Internet Edward Snowden contre les GAFA Du verre pour stocker de la donnée Le chiffre marché : 2,1...
Sommaire : Chasse aux Nazis sur Internet Edward Snowden contre les GAFA Du verre pour stocker de la donnée Le chiffre marché : 2,1...
L’état-major d’Alphabet, la maison-mère de Google, tangue après la publication, par la presse américaine, d’accusations de harcèlements...
L’état-major d’Alphabet, la maison-mère de Google, tangue après la publication, par la presse américaine, d’accusations de harcèlements...
Android security isn’t exactly rocket science as with computer or information security. It is something that needs careful attention...
Android security isn’t exactly rocket science as with computer or information security. It is something that needs careful attention...
Earlier this year, Google launched the Stadia as a new cheat-proof cloud-based video game platform. It was talked about more during the...