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Vape Detectors in Schools, Mental Health on Pinterest, and More News

Pinterest is saving and kids are misbehaving, but first, a cartoon about a robot’s biggest challenge.

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Today’s News

Schools around the country are starting to use vape detectors to catch kids using ecigarettes—but like many things built to try to contain kids, they aren’t working. From exhaling the smoke into their backpack or sleeves, to simply running out of the bathroom before administrators can catch them mid-puff, kids are making the thousands of dollars schools spend on these things seem like a bit of a waste.

People come to Pinterest for all kinds of things, from recipes to fashion inspiration, but they also search terms like “depression” and “self-harm.” When Pinterest discovered this, the company did more than just try to eliminate hurtful content. In collaboration with a group of mental health organizations, Pinterest created a set of exercises that use techniques from dialectical behavior therapy—a type of psychotherapy used to treat mood disorders, self-harm, and suicidal ideation—and reimagined them for the smartphone.

Fast Fact: 133.6 Billion

That’s how many potential work hours were lost in 2018 around the globe due to extreme heat, and the world is only getting hotter. In the southern US alone businesses lost up to 20 percent of their potential daylight work hours in the hottest month of 2018.

WIRED Recommends: Early Black Friday Deals

Who says you have to wait until Black Friday to get a good tech deal? Our reviewers rounded up some of their favorite discounts available right now.

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