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Trump Begins Paris Accord Exit, Devices Hacked With Lasers, and More News

Hackers are beaming and Trump is scheming, but first: a cartoon about slow internet.

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Today’s Headlines

After months of threatening, President Donald Trump officially began the withdrawal process from the Paris accord—a pact signed by 200 nations, including the US, to protect the world against climate change. The withdrawal will be a yearlong process that will leave remaining nations scrambling to figure out how to keep the pact going without the cooperation of the world’s largest economy. But some experts say the US itself may be the biggest loser of them all.

Last spring, researchers discovered that microphones respond to certain frequencies of light as if they were sound, and that this trick could be used to manipulate voice assistants. Now they’ve figured out how to use lasers to send “light commands” from hundreds of feet away (and even through windows!) that can do things like open garages, make online purchases, and cause all manner of mischief.

Fast Fact: 18 Years

That’s how long a prisoner kept a balloon-wrapped ball of marijuana in his nose after trying to sneak it into prison years earlier. It was a gift from his girlfriend, and when he went to dig the weed out of his nose he accidentally pushed it further in. Thinking he swallowed the stash, he forgot about it. Then it became a calcified rock.

WIRED Recommends: Xbox One Games

The Xbox One may not be as hip and trendy as the Nintendo Switch or the upcoming Playstation 5, but it is still worth a good hard look for gamers. Especially if you’re up for playing some games from this list of the 14 best Xbox One games.

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Here’s how to free up more storage on your phone.

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