HP announced its most powerful Spectre yet at CES 2020, the HP Spectre x360 15. The convertible laptop runs on up to a 10th Gen Intel Core i7 processor and NVIDIA’s latest GeForce graphics. The laptop should be available with an NVIDIA MX chip for the U-series and NVIDIA GeForce graphics for the 45-watt CPU.The HP Spectre x360 15 is set to release in March 2020 and to start at $1,600.
HP’s latest Spectre builds off the successful and well-received Spectre line, keeping the gem-cut design of previous models. It features either a 15.6-inch 4K OLED display or 4K IPS display with DCI-P3 color gamut range. HP reduced the top and bottom bezels of the laptop’s display, yielding a device with a 90 percent screen-to-body ratio.
The Spectre x360 15 supports Wi-Fi 6, which delivers file transfer speeds almost three times faster than Wi-Fi 5, according to HP.