A lofty Elon Musk promise may soon be realized, a teen activist blistered members of the UN, and we have some recommendations for fitness trackers. Here’s the news you need to know, in two minutes or less.
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Today’s Headlines
Tesla may soon have a battery that lasts a million miles
Last April, Tesla CEO Elon Musk boldly promised an electric car battery that could last for 1 million miles—more than double what drivers can expect today. At the time the claim seemed a bit overambitious, but now a paper from Dalhousie University shows he might be for real. It outlines a lithium-ion battery that “should be able to power an electric vehicle for over 1 million miles” while losing less than 10 percent of its energy capacity during its lifetime.
Greta Thunberg delivered a passionate speech at the UN today
Teen activist Greta Thunberg took her climate cause to the floor of the UN today, delivering a barn-burning speech to the powerful adults gathered for a climate summit. She followed that talk with action a few hours later, filing a lawsuit with 15 other kids arguing that carbon-polluting countries are violating the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which states children have the right to life, health, and peace.
Fast Fact: 26,000 Feet
That’s the altitude bar-headed geese fly at as they migrate over the Himalayas, a feat that has left many wondering how the geese cope with so little oxygen. So physiologists at the University of Texas at Austin raised goose chicks by hand, and then trained them to fly in a wind tunnel wearing little face masks and backpacks to learn about the adaptations that allow them to withstand the harsh conditions.
WIRED Recommends: The Best Fitness Trackers
Whether you’re an elite athlete or just want to count your commute steps, fitness trackers are a great way to not just record your activity but inspire it. Our reviewers put together a list of the best ones you can buy right now.
News You Can Use
Here are the iOS 13 privacy and security features you should know about.
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