Echelon, the indoor cycling trainer platform, has teamed up with Samsung to bring its training programs to Samsung Health. The company will host live fitness classes via Samsung Health, and it joins other fitness brands like Fitplan, My Fitness by Jillian Michaels, and Calm in delivering training live feeds to Samsung TVs.Shortly after Samsung introduced its latest TV lineups at CES 2020, the company confirmed that Samsung Health is going to expand and launch on the company’s TVs this year. The platform will deliver unique fitness content to the big screen, and it has the potential of becoming a great asset for home gyms.Echelon could greatly benefit from this collaborationPresident of Echelon, Lou Lentine, believes that the collaboration with Samsung through the Samsung Health platform provides ‘an amazing opportunity’ for its instructors in Chattanooga and Miami to stream live fitness and wellness classes around the world.You can check the video below to get a feel of what Samsung Health on TVs is all about. It promotes indoor fitness activities like never before, and it provides a platform for other fitness-oriented companies to reach a larger userbase. Do keep in mind that although Samsung Health is free, some partnered third-party fitness platforms rely on their own subscription or payment plans.
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