Today Samsung brought its Galaxy Note10 Lite to India. The cheaper alternative of the Galaxy Note10 flagship comes with a year-old Exynos 9810 chipset and a price tag of INR38,999, which is equal to $547.
In comparison, the small Galaxy Note10 starts from INR69,999, or around $980, while the Plus version is INR10,000/$140 more expensive.
The Galaxy Note10 Lite is available for pre-order at Samsung India’s page in Aura Glow, Aura Black, and Aura Red colors. The INR38,999 price tag is for a 6 GB RAM phone, but if you choose the 8 GB RAM option, the cost jumps to INR40,999 ($576). There are plenty of offers for upgrades, setting the price tag a bit lower.
Pre-booking is scheduled for today, and the sale will begin on February 3 at major retail stores, online stores, and Samsung’s own website.