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Samsung Galaxy Home Mini will come with IR blasters

Samsung Galaxy Home Mini

A second Galaxy Home device has been anticipated since last year. We’ve been waiting for a second-gen smart speaker from Samsung but still nothing. A “Mini” version dropped by the FCC in early May only to be heard again in September. We said the Galaxy Home Mini could come out even before the Galaxy Home that’s been delayed. But good news: the Galaxy Home Mini was displayed at the Samsung Developer Conference last month. We’re crossing our fingers any new Galaxy Home will be released before the end of the year.

The Samsung Galaxy Home Mini is believed to come with an IR blaster. This allows “connection” with offline home appliances. Simply put, any non-smart device at home with infrared can be controlled by Galaxy Home.

This makes the Galaxy Home Mini really smart because it can even read devices that don’t have Bluetooth or WiFi. Those non-smart appliances are aplenty and it would be a waste if they are just left to be idle while the “smarter” ones have all the fun.

Samsung’s Galaxy Home system allows voice control of smart appliances and other Internet of Things (IoT) products. Different wireless platforms are used to connect. The challenge is any disruption between the connection will cut control.

IR may be old tech but it works. Samsung has even decided to add it to the Galaxy Note 10 so we’re not surprised if the Galaxy Home Mini will have the same feature. It is also possible that other products with IR blaster can be controlled from the Galaxy Home Mini. It is a great addition but at this point, we just want to see the Galaxy Home or Galaxy Home Mini.

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