The Realme X2 Pro launched in India last November was initially available in two memory configurations – 8GB/128GB and 12GB/256GB priced at INR29,999 ($420/€375) and INR33,999 ($475/€425), respectively. Now a cheaper version with 6GB RAM and 64GB storage is available in India for INR27,999 ($390/€350).
The 6GB RAM variant comes in Neptune Blue and Lunar White colors, and is already available for purchase through Flipkart. It should go on sale through the company’s official Indian site soon too.
Realme X2 Pro in Neptune Blue and Lunar White colors
The Realme X2 Pro is powered by the Snapdragon 855+ SoC and boasts a 6.5″ FHD+ 90Hz AMOLED display. It comes with a 64MP quad camera on the back and packs a 4,000 mAh battery with 50W fast charging support.
You can read our detailed written review of the Realme X2 Pro to learn more about it or watch the video review below.