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Pwn2Own Hacking Competition Returns in March, Up to $130,000 in Prizes Available for Safari Vulnerab

Trend Micro today announced that its annual Pwn2Own hacking competition will be held March 18-20 in Vancouver, Canada.

Pwn2Own, part of the CanSecWest conference, tasks security researchers with uncovering vulnerabilities in operating systems, web browsers, and more, ranging from macOS and Windows to Safari and Chrome.

This year, two prizes will be available for Safari on macOS, including $60,000 for a sandbox escape and $70,000 for a kernel-level escalation of privileges.

There is also up to a $500,000 prize for Tesla Model 3 vulnerabilities.

Last year at Pwn2Own, at least two zero-day security vulnerabilities were discovered in Safari on macOS. All exploits achieved during the contest are reported to the necessary companies like Apple so that they can be patched.

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