OnePlus, even in 2019, wants us to believe in its ‘Never Settle’ motto. The Chinese OEM does live out the words as it regularly releases software and OS updates. To be fair, OnePlus can afford to do regular updates and maintenance because the company only has a few models sold in the market. Aside from the OnePlus Concept One phone, OnePlus also has been busy with the 100 OxygenOS Delights Scavenger Hunt. It’s over and here now is a new item to focus on–Optimized Charging.
In the past, OnePlus only had the Dash Charge technology. A couple of years back, the OnePlus 5T was considered as the fastest charging phone. We doubt if OnePlus is really pushing to become the fastest in charging smartphones but it definitely wants to improve.
OnePlus wants to enhance battery health and the charging experience of every OnePlus phone user. From Dash charging technology to the Warp 30T flash charger, here’s Optimized Charging. The new feature is meant to put off battery drain so a user’s mobile experience won’t be affected.
As described, OnePlus Optimized Charging brings a battery charged to 80% and then would pause temporarily. OnePlus introduces the “user sleep cycle detection” that will suspend and then start charging the phone again 100 minutes before you get up from sleep before it fully charges to 100%. This requires you to set up an alarm before it eventually learns a pattern.
To set up the function, go to Settings> Battery> Optimized Charging. Turn on the feature so your OnePlus phone can remember your routine and be able to collect the data it needs. Feel free to disable the setting if you want your device to reach 100% right away. There is the ‘Continue Charging’ button you can easily tap.
Optimized Charging still needs a lot of “learning” to do like when you need to change time zones or stay up late. One major benefit of this feature is that it prevents your OnePlus phone from overcharging especially when you forget to remove the charger. To be honest, we don’t recommend you sleep with the phone plugged in but OnePlus wants to help in this aspect with Optimized Charging.