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‘Nighthawk’ Twitter Client Launches With Smart Filters, Close Friends Timeline, and More

A new Twitter client for iPhone and iPad launched today that aims to make it easier for users to manage their timeline and make the relentless stream of content on the social platform less overwhelming.

Nighthawk for iOS comes with several Smart Filter features that go beyond the ability to mute certain words and phrases, offering hundreds of human-curated filters for hiding tweets related to everything from politics to movie spoilers.

Your timeline should reflect what you care about, not the opaque agenda of a black-box algorithm. By default, Nighthawk displays tweets in the timeline chronologically, the way nature intended. You’re bound to come across some tweets that might rub you the wrong way, which is why Nighthawk provides tons of human-curated filters. Looking to take a break from election chatter? Add the U.S. Politics filter. Excited to see The Rise of Skywalker? Add the Star Wars filter and hide tweets with potential spoilers.

In addition to the topic filters, Nighthawk features a Close Friends timeline that surfaces tweets from users that you’re likely to be most interested in seeing and hides everything else.

In that sense, the Close Friends feature is a bit like a Twitter list, but Nighthawk’s developers say they’ve built the interface from the ground up with speed and accessibility in mind, so it should be a more enjoyable experience.

Nighthawk’s developers say they’re not trying to compete with or replace popular third-party apps like Tweetbot and Twitterrific. Rather, they see Nighthawk as a companion to these clients in offering users a more personal, streamlined Twitter experience when they want it.

Other Nighthawk features include rich link previews, haptic feedback, custom home screen icons, and dark and light modes that can switch dynamically with the system. The app costs $3.99 upfront, doesn’t include ads and doesn’t harvest user data. Nighthawk is available on the App Store today. [Direct Link]

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