HTC’s financial results for 2019 are in and they look unsurprisingly dim. The company made just $330m in revenue for the entire year, a drop of nearly 58% over 2018 and staggering 84% down compared to 2017.
To put things in perspective, Bloomberg Columnist Tim Culpan aptly points that Apple makes more money from AirPods sales in two weeks, than HTC makes in an entire year.
HTC managed to improve its performance compared to 2018 only in September, when it posted a 1.53% increase, but was down for the rest of the year.
HTC revenue fell to just $330m last year. That’s an 84% drop in 2 years. In context: Apple now gets more from selling AirPods in a fortnight than HTC gets from selling *everything* in a year pic.twitter.com/6GF3EAgGd3 — TIM CULPAN (@tculpan) January 6, 2020
HTC has stated time and time again that it hasn’t given up on its smartphone business but given its downfall it’s barely relevant at this point. Its latest midrange and blockchain devices are clearly unable to stop the fall so the feel is the company is running out of the time.