HP announced an update to its HP Elite Dragonfly convertible laptop. HP built the device for business and added options for 5G connectivity and Tile integration. There are two versions of the HP Elite Dragonfly on the way. The version with option Tile integration and HP Sure View Reflect is set to come out in February 2020. People will have to wait a bit longer for the 5G version of the laptop, which is expected to be available later in the Summer of 2020.
The original HP Elite Dragonfly combined the sleek look of HP’s convertible design with business-savvy features like HP Sure View Reflect. In his review of the original HP Elite Dragonfly, our executive editor Daniel Rubino called it a “droolworthy business 2-in-1 with serious style.” The updated HP Elite Dragonfly looks to build off the impressive original with modern connectivity and other added features.
The HP Elite Dragonfly is the first laptop with Tile integration. Tile has a solid reputation for its location trackers and seems keen to expand its support into laptops.