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Google Assistant may be testing out new visual overview

While the Updates feed of your Google Assistant, which replaced the dearly departed Google Now, is pretty useful if you need an overview of your Google activities, there is always room for improvement. It looks like Google may be testing out a redesign of that feed which will see it re-organized chronologically. A user on Twitter posted what it looks like from their end right now, although of course, this may not show up like this or ever when an update is eventually rolled out.

9 to 5 Google shares a post by a Twitter user from Brazil that shows the new iteration of the Google Assistant feed on his account. The personalized greeting and the profile avatar are still there but they now look smaller to make way for the important stuff. The main difference here is that the cards are now arranged by date. In the screenshots he shared, the feed shows first the items that are relevant to Today, like the Weather.

There is a chevron symbol to expand the card for more details like hourly forecast, buttons for weather for tomorrow, this week, this weekend, etc. The three-dot menu lets you see options like switching units, dismissing cards, and opening settings. The other sections underneath show “Next Week” and “Later next month” depending probably on what you have for your calendar, upcoming events, etc. The screenshots only show calendar events but it will probably include other stuff like deliveries, flights, etc from your Gmail.

In the event card, you can see the basic information. You can expand each appointment to show who are the other guests in your contact or you can also just tap “View in Calendar” to see the other details. Currently, what you see on your Feed is organized by topic but the more chronological timeline makes more sense especially if you want to look at it as an overview of your next few days.

This redesign is of course still in the A/B testing phase and cannot be forced on your device just yet. This may just be an early version and so if they eventually roll it out, it might look very different than what we’re seeing these screenshots.

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