Samsung has now started taking pre-orders for the Galaxy S10 Lite in India. Those interested in picking up the phone can pre-book it via Flipkart and Samsung’s official website. The general release date is set for February 4; offline retailers will be selling the device from that day as well, while Flipkart seems to have exclusive rights to sell the device online in addition to Samsung’s own online store.Galaxy S10 Lite price in India set at Rs 39,999Samsung has launched only the 8GB+128GB configuration of the Galaxy S10 Lite in India. It is priced at Rs 39,999, and those who pre-book the device will get a one-time screen replacement at a reduced price of Rs 1,999 in the first year of ownership. Those who purchase the S10 Lite using an ICICI credit card will also get Rs 3,000 cashback, bringing the effective price down to Rs 36,999. The color options include Prism White, Prism Black and Prism Blue.The Galaxy S10 Lite comes with a 6.7-inch Full HD+ Infinity-O Super AMOLED display, the octa-core Snapdragon 855 SoC, 8GB of RAM, 128GB of expandable storage, a triple rear camera setup made up of 48MP primary, 12MP ultra-wide, and 5MP macro sensors, a 32MP front-facing camera, a 4,500 mAh battery with 25W super fast charging, and Android 10 with One UI 2.0. It doesn’t have a 3.5mm headphone jack.Will you be purchasing the Galaxy S10 Lite, or will you be picking up a Galaxy Note 10 Lite instead? Let us know in the comments!
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