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Chrome working on a share sheet with QR code generator, screenshot editor

Because we know that sharing is caring, you would think that Android would have a pretty organized and useful share sheet for its users. But as we know by now, that is still a wish that won’t be fulfilled anytime soon. Even Google’s own apps have developed their own non-native share sheet and the latest one that may be joining this is the Chrome browser. We’re now seeing a new share menu that they’re testing out and it includes a QR code generator and a screenshot editor.

Android Police notes that you won’t be able to turn on the share menu by default since it’s still in development. But if you’re using Chrome Canary and you know how to turn on flags and such, you’ll be able to enable it just to see how it works (or you can just read this article). Once you enable either the chrome://flags/#chrome-sharing-hub or chrome://flags/#chrome-share-screenshot, you’ll have to restart your browser.

To test it out, you’ll have to share a page. You’ll see two sections in your share sheet. The first one will have Chrome-specific actions like copy link, send to device, and two upcoming features. The QR code generator should work as long as you give Chrome your camera permission and it should open a new page for sharing and scanning codes. The other option, screenshot editor, seems to not be doing anything just yet.

The second row for the sharing sheet lets you share the link from Chrome to other apps on your phone like Facebook, Twitter, Email, Snapshot, etc. In the More option which is beside the other apps you can share to, will bring up the default share menu of your Android device. It has considerably improved since Android 10 but still leaves a lot to be desired.

This will probably not be released anytime soon. The eventual stable version might also not be what we’re seeing right now as this testing period should open up other suggestions and changes that we’ll see when it’s eventually rolled out to all users.


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