It can sometimes be annoying to see all those automatic pop-ups on websites that ask you if you want to be notified of their updates. Oftentimes, you don’t want that anyway so it becomes even more of a hassle to see that notification always. Now Google is releasing a more quiet and subtle notification permission UI for Chrome 80 so that these requests will be less interruptive and intrusive. Notifications are supposedly helpful but for those times when they’re just a nuisance, at least Chrome will be able to help you out.
When you’re using Chrome for Android, you will now just see a bar sliding up from the bottom of your screen saying notifications are blocked. In the desktop version, this will slide out briefly and show a crossed-out bell icon instead of a pop-up showing up on an omnibus, asking for your permission if it can send you notifications (and the answer is almost always no).
When you first launch your browser after the update, you’ll get a dialog box explaining “You usually block notifications” and then an option to let the site notify you if you prefer. If you don’t see it happening, you’ll have to go to your Settings > Site Settings > Notifications, then toggle the “Sites can ask to send notifications” and then check the “Use quieter messaging” box.
This quiet notification will automatically be enabled under two conditions. First, those who repeatedly deny notifications will be enrolled in this quieter UI. Secondly, sites that have a low acceptance rate will also be automatically enrolled in the quieter prompts option. But once user experience has improved, the site will be unenrolled automatically as well. Otherwise, the new UI is an opt-in experience.
This new UI option is rolling out to Beta, Dev, and Canary channels. But you can also force-enable it in Chrome 80. They have not yet said when the automatic enrollment on the stable version would come out but it will be enabled gradually once they gather enough user and developer feedback.