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Cameos on Google now available on Android for celebrities, personalities

When you Google something about your favorite celebrity or personality, the answers you get can be 50/50. Some are actual facts while some are unverified information. But what if you can get the answer directly from the person you’re googling? This is the idea behind the Cameos on Google app which was previously introduced for iOS devices but is now available for Android on the Google Play Store. It lets celebrities answer questions about themselves through a video format and they will appear on the search results and in the Google feed.

Most of us will probably not find this app useful since it’s only for celebrities or those who represent celebrities but it’s still pretty interesting to see how things happen behind the scenes, so to speak. But if you fit into that category, you can download the app and Google will ask you for information like name, email address, and phone number and they’ll probably send you some verification process to make sure you really are said celebrity or their representative.

Once you’re verified, you can start answering questions in video format. You can choose from various categories like “Most asked by users”, “For the fans”, or if you just want to be “in”, you can also choose to answer trending topics. Questions can vary from personal information and can also be about expert advice or guidance especially if you’re a personality that specializes in something like cooking, fashion, craft, etc.

The video responses will supposedly appear in the search results if people search for yourself or the specific questions that were asked and that you answered. So far, from the user end, we haven’t seen yet any of the video responses so we’re probably waiting for a more prominent rollout or they’re waiting for more celebrities to upload videos or something.

If you’re a celebrity or you represent one, you can download Cameos on Google from the Google Play Store for free. You will probably have to go through that whole verification process before you can use the app though so no pseudo-celebrities here people.

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