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Best Phones 2019: vote in the preliminary round

We are reaching the end of 2019 – a year filled with phone announcements and plenty of exciting innovation. With all the dust settled it’s now time for you, our beloved the readers, to choose the best phones to come out this year.

We separated them into three categories – Flagships, Midrangers, Entry-level phones – and in this preliminary round included all the most popular representative in each.

Best Phones 2019: vote in the preliminary round

You can pick as many phones from each category as you want. The top ranking phones from each category with then proceed to the final round, where you we’ll determine once and for all which were the best loved phones launched in 2019.

Let’s begin with the flagships. We picked pretty much every key smartphone by the big companies and now it is up to you to decide which ones were actually worth it.

Best flagship of 2019

The mid-range was the most fiercly contested part of the market in 2019 – so much so that it blurred the lines between mid-rangers in flagships in many areas and forever changed people’s expectations about what a moderately-priced smartphones should be able to do.

Best midranger of 2019

The entry-level segment completes the voting – it’s been the least exciting traditionally, but saw some very interesting additions this year.

Once again you can select multiple options, but only the most popular five are going to the final round.

Best entry-level smartphone of 2019

Check back with us same time next week to see which devices won the polls and are shortlisted for the “Best phone of 2019” title.

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