Apple today shared the first official trailer for upcoming Apple TV+ series “Mythic Quest: Raven’s Banquet,” which is set to debut on Friday, February 7.”Mythic Quest,” a comedy, follows a team of video game developers as they navigate the challenges of running a popular video game.
The series was created by Rob McElhenney and Charlie Day, known for their work on long running TV show “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.” McElhenney will star in the show as the company’s creative director, but Day will not have a role.”Mythic Quest” also stars F. Murray Abraham, Danny Pudi, Imani Hakim, Charlotte Nicdao, David Hornsby, Ashly Burch, and Jessie Ennis.
Apple has ordered nine half-hour episodes, and when “Mythic Quest” debuts, it will be one of the first comedy shows on the Apple TV+ service, joining existing shows that include “Dickinson,” “For All Mankind,” “See,” “Servant,” and “The Morning Show.”