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T-Mobile to introduce $15/month Connect plan once Sprint merger goes through

T-Mobile is going all out to campaign to get their still-pending merger with Sprint to go through. One of the ways they’re trying to court public opinion is by promising a really cheap $15/month wireless plan called Connect that should give you 2GB of data as well as the usual free data and calls. They’re also bringing other goodwill initiatives with the hope that if enough people pressure the powers that be, then the merger between T-Mobile and Sprint will finally be approved.

The Connect wireless plan will see subscribers pay as low as $15 per month for the unlimited data and calls and 2GB allocation of data. When you exceed that, instead of the usual “you get downgraded to slower speeds” that unlimited plans give, you’ll have to pay for more data. You can also avail of the $25/month plan which gives 5GB of data allowance. You’ll get an additional 500MB to your monthly allowance for every year you stay with the plan.

T-Mobile also promised that they won’t have a price increase for the Connect plans for at least five years. But as mentioned earlier, the existence of this affordable plan will be dependent on the approval of the merger. The other goodwill initiatives are also part of their “bargaining chip” with the regulatory board and other entities that would need to approve the merger. They said, “T-Mobile can make these commitments if the proposed T-Mobile and Sprint merger closes.”

The initiatives for the proposed “new T-mobile” include a Connecting Heroes Initiative which will give free 5G access for 10 years to every first responder in the U.S. They also have Project 10Million which aims to offer free service, hotspots, and even reduced cost devices to 10 million households to help eradicate the homework gap for kids. They are also lighting up nationwide 5G this December, although that one is probably not connected to the Sprint merger.

Let’s see if these PR moves will actually work for T-Mobile. For those hoping for that $15/month plan, keep your fingers crossed.

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