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Samsung could lay off up to 900 workers at Galanta plant Slovakia in 2020

Samsung is reportedly preparing to jettison up to 900 workers at its plant in Galanta, Slovakia, as the company is reorganizing its resources and global manufacturing strategy, reveals an SME report citing Denník N. The publication claims that anywhere between 300 and 400 manual workers will lose their jobs next year, adding that Samsung will also let go of around 200 employees from departments like purchases, engineering, and quality assurance.This bit of news is rather unexpected given that Samsung Slovakia reportedly hired 1,500 workers in spring. Trade union KOVO head, Emil Machyna, was cited saying that ‘we will definitely be negotiating on some good terms, if people have to leave their jobs in this region, to secure at least a certain social status for these people.’Samsung putting a stronger focus on its plant in HungarySamsung moved the production of various consumer electronics and components, from TVs to large displays, to its plants in Hungary and Galanta, Slovakia, after it shut down its factory in Voderady last year.However, it now seems that the company will slow things down at its Galanta plant as well, leaving the factory in Hungary as one of its main facilities in Europe.Hopefully, this won’t necessarily mean that Samsung will shut down its Galanta plant entirely and leave a big mark on the city’s economy. We’ve recently learned of the massive negative impact Samsung’s departure from Huizhou has had on the city in China, where the local economy was deeply interconnected with Samsung’s operations.This isn’t necessarily the case in every city where Samsung operates but thousands of employees still rely on the company and, in turn, these people inevitably sustain smaller local businesses, from restaurants to real estate. Samsung’s presence – and departure – is always felt to a lower or higher degree.

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